
is there any way Learn more about is there any way

  • Is there any way to increase the yield of rice?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of rice?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of rice? Is there any way to be effective? If you want to increase the yield of rice, you can refer to the following methods: 1. Increase the number of ears. Strong seedlings were cultivated by ①. It provides a good basis for early return to green and early tillering after planting. ② reasonable close planting. According to the number of ears harvested according to the plan and the estimation of tillering after seedling planting.

  • Is there any way to prevent Magnolia from falling down?

    Is there any way to prevent Magnolia from falling down?

    Is there any way to prevent Magnolia from falling down? Magnolia mandshurica is an excellent urban street tree with white and large flowers, tall and straight trunk, beautiful crown, dark green leaves and strong anti-dirt and vacuuming ability. There are measures to prevent Magnolia lanceolata lodging: first, in the purchase of Magnolia magnolia tree, choose more.

  • Is there any way to increase pig feed intake and shorten slaughter dates?

    Is there any way to increase pig feed intake and shorten slaughter dates?

    Is there any way to increase pig feed intake and shorten slaughter dates?

  • Is there any good way to control pests in sugarcane?

    Is there any good way to control pests in sugarcane?

    Is there any good way for sugarcane to control pests? Please introduce that since this year, China has completely banned the sale and use of five highly toxic pesticides, such as methamidophos, methyl parathion, parathion, monocrotophos and phosphoramines. Some formulations are introduced, which can effectively replace monocrotophos pesticides for your reference. First, with high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue and.

  • Is there any way to disinfect chili seeds

    Is there any way to disinfect chili seeds

    Is there any way to disinfect chili seeds? Please introduce to the pepper seed disinfection can refer to the following methods: first, put the seeds in 50-55 ℃ hot water, soak the seeds at a constant temperature for 15-20 minutes, and constantly stir. When the water temperature drops, add hot water to keep the water temperature between 50-55 ℃. After 20 minutes, add cold water and drop to 20.

  • Is there any way to increase production by growing pumpkins?

    Is there any way to increase production by growing pumpkins?

    Is there any way to increase production by growing pumpkins? Please give me some advice. when you plant pumpkins, you will often encounter more pumpkins and fewer melons. In order to avoid the above phenomenon, the following rural cultivation technical measures can be taken to increase the yield. Take off the top at the right time: when the melon vine grows to 2 meters, remove the growth point of the main vine, make the main vine grow 3-4 branches, and.

  • Is there any way to promote the fruiting of chestnut?

    Is there any way to promote the fruiting of chestnut?

    Is there any way to promote the fruiting of chestnut? To promote the fruiting of Chinese chestnut, please refer to the following methods: first, increasing the application of boron fertilizer has achieved remarkable results, combined with the application of chemical fertilizer, each chestnut is evenly mixed with 100ml 150g borax into urea, about 1 meter from the tree trunk. Dig a strip with a depth of 15 cm and a width of 20 cm.

  • Is there any way to increase the yield of cucumber?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of cucumber?

    Is there any way to increase cucumber production? Please instruct that cucumber is a kind of normal temperature crop. Generally speaking, cucumber grows best at 20 ℃ and 30 min. It likes dampness and is afraid of drought. Under suitable climatic conditions, how to increase cucumber production? There are the following methods for reference. The method of smoking and increasing female. When the cucumber seedlings have 2-4 true leaves.

  • Is there any way to prevent small grape fruits?

    Is there any way to prevent small grape fruits?

    What if there are many small grains of grapes? Is there any way to prevent small grape fruits? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the method large and round grapes are very popular with consumers in the market, but in the process of growing grapes, often due to poor management, resulting in grape seed abortion, resulting in a large number of small grapes.

  • Is there any way to make pine bonsai?

    Is there any way to make pine bonsai?

    Is there any way to make pine bonsai?

  • Is there any way to prevent and cure pumpkin?

    Is there any way to prevent and cure pumpkin?

    Is there any way to prevent and cure pumpkin? Please advise the phenomenon that pumpkins die when they grow to the size of their fists, which is called Hua Gua. The main reasons for pumpkin are: (1) the recent high temperature is not conducive to pumpkin fruit setting and fruit expansion, causing pumpkin. (2) too much fertilizer and water, especially in the south.

  • Is there any clever way to use fertilizer for edible fungus in winter?

    Is there any clever way to use fertilizer for edible fungus in winter?

    Is there any clever way to use fertilizer for edible fungus in winter?

  • Is there any way to increase production by growing potatoes?

    Is there any way to increase production by growing potatoes?

    Is there any way to increase production by growing potatoes? Please give instructions to increase the yield of potatoes can use the following methods: after removing the tail buds, it is proved that after the tail buds are grown, the yield is only 1 / 3 of that of the terminal buds or lateral buds, so the tail buds should not be discarded when cutting seed potatoes. High ridge cultivation.

  • Is there any way to control the ginger heart borer?

    Is there any way to control the ginger heart borer?

    Is there any way to control the ginger heart borer? Please introduce the method when the ginger grows to about 20 cm, the first generation of heart drills begin to harm, the newly hatched larvae first harm the tender leaves, to the 3rd instar begin to decay, mostly in 2-3 nodes, often causing heart leaf wilting or the whole plant withered. The stem of the second generation of drillers is mostly in the middle and upper part.

  • Is there any good way to control diseases and insect pests in rice?

    Is there any good way to control diseases and insect pests in rice?

    Is there any good way to control diseases and insect pests in rice? The success or failure of rice pest control plays a vital role in rice yield. For the prevention and control of rice diseases and insect pests, the first is to select varieties resistant to diseases and insect pests; the second is to fertilize reasonably and increase the application of organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; the third is to use water scientifically to keep the field dry and rainy.

  • Is there any way to grow pineapple?

    Is there any way to grow pineapple?

    Is there any way to grow pineapple?

  • Is there any way to increase production in Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation?

    Is there any way to increase production in Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation?

    Is there any way to increase production in Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation? Please introduce that the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus can increase production by means of stimulation, which can be referred to the following methods: first, temperature difference stimulation: at the beginning of the formation of Pleurotus ostreatus fruiting body, the temperature difference stimulation of 7 ℃ ~ 10 ℃ a day can promote the mushroom emergence earlier and the fruiting body develop neatly.

  • Pomegranate tree planting: is there any way to prevent cracked pomegranate fruit?

    Pomegranate tree planting: is there any way to prevent cracked pomegranate fruit?

    Now pomegranate cracking fruit is almost ripe, but there are a lot of cracked fruit, is there any way to prevent pomegranate cracking fruit? Also hope friends to introduce methods to prevent pomegranate cracking can refer to the following methods of prevention (for reference): first, planting varieties resistant to cracking: this is the fundamental measure to control cracking, the development of pomegranate should be given priority.

  • Is there any other way to store ginger?

    Is there any other way to store ginger?

    Is there any other way to store ginger besides putting it in the well? The storage technology of ginger: 1) storage characteristics. Jiang Xing likes to be warm and humid, is not tolerant to low temperature, and is vulnerable to cold injury below 10%. The cold-injured ginger is easy to rot when the temperature rises, the storage temperature is too high and easy to rot, the optimum temperature is about 15%, and the relative humidity is 65%. Stored ginger should harvest fully grown roots and should not be frosted in the field. Generally, it is stored in the cellar with the harvest, and you can't spend the night in the field. It is best not to harvest in sunny days, so as to avoid excessive sunshine and rainy days.

  • Is there any way to increase the yield of potatoes?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of potatoes?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of potatoes? Netizens with potato planting experience are also invited to introduce in detail the potato alias potato, potato, yam egg and so on, which have the functions of grain and vegetables, and are known as the world's five largest crops together with rice, wheat, corn and sorghum. Because potatoes are nutritious and easily absorbed by the human body.
